Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week #23

Week #23 - Baby Bump Photo

Approximately 17-weeks left to go until we get to meet our Baby Brixen.  That is less the time than we have already waited!  Very exciting!  I know it will go by so fast so we are cherishing these moments now.

This week, Brixen definitely is moving around more.  I thought I would feel hard kicks but it is not like that this early on from what I have noticed.  I feel a lot of "bubbles."  When they are consistent, I think it is hiccups and other times I think maybe he is doing gymnastics in my tummy!  It is a great feeling and makes me smile every time!

Yesterday, we went to see RED.  It was a pretty good movie.  We enjoyed ourselves and our buttered movie popcorn!  Yum!  Usually, on Friday nights we go out to dinner for Date Night but I was just so tired.  My arm was sore from my flu shot and I just was not really feeling myself.  We went to the store instead and got a few things.  For dinner, I had a bowl of Lucky Charms and a couple slices of Jack's Pizza.  That did not really sound good to me but after Chris made it, it smelled delicious!  Couldn't help myself!

Today, I woke-up and Chris had a surprise for me...  He pulled out his couch in his office, turned on his computer monitor with Scooby Doo and made us breakfast.  We had french toast with bananas and bacon.  It was delicious.  It was very relaxing and we watched about 4-hours of Scooby Doo.  I don't think I could ever get sick of that cartoon!  Very fun...

Tonight, UFC is on and we haven't watched a Pay Per View in a long time.  I think we have a couple of friends coming up and we will either go out to Buffalo Wild Wings or rent it here.  I enjoy watching UFC so it should be a fun night.  

Tomorrow, the Bears play the Redskins at HOME!  Our friend is a huge Redskins fan so he is having a get together at his house.  Chris and him are having a Chili cook-off.  I am going to make score sheets.  LOL!  Dave, our friend, is also going to make stromboli and we ordered UTZ chips from the East Coast.  Should be a fun time and I hope the Bears BEAT the Redskins.

That is about all for this weekend...  Next weekend, we are going to MI because my Aunt Sue, Aunt Sandy, and Cousin Amy are coming into town from FL.  Looking forward to seeing my family.  It has been 7-weeks, which is a long time for us.

Off to make some yummy Hazelnut Coffee with Hazelnut Cream.  It is a windy, gloomy, Saturday afternoon and I plan on being lazy until tonight!  Have a great weekend everyone!  :)


  1. You look beautiful!

    Go Bears!

  2. haha, lucky charms are a staple for me too and I LOVE Utz chips!! :)
