Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin Picking in Wisconsin

This past Saturday, Chris and I drove to Wisconsin to this place called Apple Holler.  It is a cute place for families to go...  Lots of activities!  You can pick pumpkins, apples, eat at the restaurant, drink fresh apple cider, listen to music, and there are tons of kids activities.

We went there a couple of years ago and it was a blast.  Last year we had our Wedding so we didn't make it but we are planning to make this a tradition for our growing family every year!  Next year, we will be able to take Brixen in his stroller.  Can't wait!

We definitely enjoyed ourselves very much but it was HOT for October.  I was actually sweating.  It said 85 degrees!  We ate at the restaurant and had a yummy buffet.  And, picked two pumpkins...  One for us to carve this weekend and one for Baby Brixen.  I hope you enjoy the video Chris made!  :)

For all of you who do not know the story behind 222, well I will try to make it short.  Since Chris and I met almost 4-years ago we started seeing 222 all the time, especially during the times when we really needed it.  For us, we feel like we are on the right path when we see 222.  

We have documented a lot of our sightings.  Some of them have been really strange, like this past weekend.  On the way to Wisconsin, I noticed a guy on his Harley Davidson.  The weather has been extremely warm here so we both thought he would be going to the Harley Davidson store.  I knew it was getting closer.  So, I decided to look...  Normally, I would not care about a Harley Davidson store.  When we drove past it on the highway, I saw JUST SAY 222!!!  I yelled it to Chris!  On the way back to Chicago, we stopped at the store and took a video and photos.

Well...  You all know that Brixen is due on February 18, 2011 and most people think that he will make his grand entrance on 02.22.2011.  Now, that would be a story!  Only time will tell...

Have a great week! 

1 comment:

  1. kellerjanie@yahoo.comOctober 14, 2010 at 9:30 AM

    HEather, its so fun to see our little pumpkin growing in your belly. :-) I hope that wasn't Brixen crying and throwing a hissy fit ! LOL
