Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Our baby boy is 6-MONTHS!!!  WOW!  I know this is 5-days late but we have had a super busy Summer and it sure is harder to get Brixen to stay still for a photo.  I tried once and it didn't work!  LOL!  So, I waited and almost forgot until my Mom had asked about it.

Brixen had his 6-Month Well Check-Up on Friday, August 19.  That was one year to the date we heard his heart beat for the first time.  And, the lady who did our ultrasound hinted that we were having a boy!  Pretty cool!  His appointment went very well.  He got two shots and DIDN'T EVEN CRY!  Although, he was pretty fussy the next day.  I think his little leggies were sore.  He is doing much better now.  It only phased him for a day or so.

Weight:  17-lbs; 2-oz (45 Percentile)
Height:  27.5-Inches (85 Percentile)
Head:  44.5-CM (75 Percentile)

Brixen is very tall for his age.  Maybe he will be a basketball player!  We also talked to the doctor about food.  At the time of the appointment, he was getting 2-meals per day.  The doctor said to put him on 3-meals per day and bottles for snacks and before bed.  So, I was excited about that.  We went shopping that day and bought some new foods for him to try.  We wait a few days in between trying new foods though.  So, now Brixen has a new schedule...  Last time, I had blogged about his schedule but since he is eating 3-meals per day, it has changed.

Brixen sleeps through the night consistently now.  He was waking up from time to time but the doctor suggested that he was waking up because of habit...  He knew Mommy would feed him.  So, even though it was the hardest thing I had to do, I let him cry himself to sleep and since that night, he was done awesome.  If he does wake up, I rush to his room to put his pacifier back in his mouth, rub is back for a minute, and head back to bed.  Loving it!

We have the same routine every night.  We usually start to get ready for bed around 7:30 PM.  He gets his bottle, which he feeds himself.  We rock in the chair and I read him his nighttime story and we say our prayers.  He is sleeping around 8 PM on his own.  He sleeps for 12-hours!!!  When he gets up, he likes to eat about 30-minutes after.  For breakfast, he has been getting a combo of apples, bananas, and strawberries.  It is all combined in one jar and is the 2nd stage foods.  After that, he will have some apple juice in his sippy cup!  I love that he loves his new sippy cup.  Trying to do away with the bottles.  For lunch, he has been eating squash.  For dinner, carrots.  Eventually, over the next few days, we will try difference veggies and also add in meats.  We got some turkey for him to try.  Looking forward to it.  He is also getting around 20-oz still of formula per day.

Well...  I think that is about all for now!  We are heading to MI this weekend to visit my family for my Mom's birthday.  We haven't been back in 8-weeks so we are really looking forward to some relaxation time.  Our Summer has been extremely busy.  Business is going great and getting better each and everyday!  We can't wait for the Fall and football season!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Brixen's Schedule

It was very hard for me not to have a schedule when Brixen was born.  Ever since I can remember, I always made a "To-Do List" and was extremely organized.  But when Brixen was born, I realized very quickly that I wasn't always going to get everything done on my To-Do List, etc.  I struggled for awhile with this because I always want things done a certain way.  But as time goes on, I have learned to let go (somewhat)!

Now, that Brixen is getting a bit older and I have really figured him out...  I am able to get back more on a schedule.  It definitely isn't what it was like before Brixen was born, however, it is better now!  I have learned that not everything has to be perfect.  I still have my days where I want to get everything done...  It sometimes can be hard keeping up with the house, taking care of Brixen, and working all at the same time.  But I am a strong woman and I am doing it!  It does help that I have learned to ask for help from Chris!  Being independent my entire life, it also was hard to ask for help.

Brixen has a schedule and sometimes it is the same for a couple of days and than it gets thrown off a bit.  And, it is okay!  :)  Brixen is changing each and every day.  I love seeing him grow.  Some days he is more tired than others or more hungry than others.  But I have to admit that I do like being somewhat on a schedule.  And, it sure helps that he sleeps through the night, most nights!

Typically, Brixen goes to bed between 7:30 PM and 8:00 PM.  It really just depends when he starts to get fussy or if we are out doing something that evening.  The past couple of nights he has gotten up around 1:00 AM...  It is hard to get him to go back to sleep with just the pacifier so I end up giving him a bottle to get him back to sleep.  I would say he gets up at 1:00 AM about 2 or 3-times per week.  I think he is doing this a lot more because he is starting to teeth.  But most of the time he sleeps until around 5:00 AM.  I always give him a bottle and he goes back to bed until about 7:30 AM, which has been about 12-hours since he went to bed.

In the mornings, he will eat oatmeal and fruit mixed in.  After that, he gets tired about an hour after he eats and will sleep for about 2-hours.  Sometimes it is less but never over.  When he wakes up, he likes to play for just a bit and gets hungry.  The next two meals, I give him a bottle.  He usually eats dinner around 5:00 or 5:30 PM.  Again, he gets oatmeal with fruit mixed in.  So, two meals a day and bottles for the other feedings.  

I think he is starting to want more baby food, so I may go to three meals a day.  He still gets a lot of formula too.  Big boy!  Oh yea, he eats about every 3 to 3.5-hours.  That is usually the same every day.  He is a hungry boy!  Typically, he takes 2 naps per day.  However, today, he seemed sleepy so he is taking a nap now, which may put him at 3 naps for today.  

When Brixen is sleeping, I am able to get work done, laundry, and even work-out, which I try to do 4 to 5-times per week.  THE BEST PART OF EACH DAY IS SEEING HIM WHEN HE WAKES UP IN THE MORNING OR FROM A NAP!  He is so precious and I just love being a Mommy.  It truly is the best thing in the world!  I can't wait to see what the future has in-store for us and our son, Brixen!  I LOVE YOU BRIXEN CHRISTOPHER!