Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 25, 2011

Month #1

Our Baby Boy is ONE MONTH OLD as of Friday, March 18, 2011.  I know this Blog Update is a week late but I was finally able to order the adorable stickers, as you can see above!  Aren't they so cute?  Thanks to my friend who suggested the stickers and they are perfect!

My plan is to do a Blog Update with a photo of Brixen on or around the 18th of each month.  Be sure to check back!  I know a lot of family and friends have been looking for more updates...  I apologize.  The past 4-weeks have been hectic and stressful.  Finally, we are back on somewhat of a schedule!  :) 

Brixen is doing great and eating A LOT!  We definitely don't mind because he gained 11-ounces in 6-days.  He now weighs 8 lbs 8 ounces.  BIG BOY!  We had to go back to his Pediatrician today for a weight check and now we don't have to see his doctor again until his 2-Month Well Check-Up.  

Brixen is eating every 2.5 to 3-hours during the day and sleeping great at night.  Since Chris is more of a night person than me...  He is taking the "first shift."  We usually feed and put Brixen to bed around 8:30 PM or so.  He gets up about 4-hours later and that is when Chris feeds him breast milk in a bottle.  I am able to get about 6 to 7-hours of sleep in a row.  I get up with him around 4 AM and 7 AM.  In between those feedings, I usually get another 2-hours of sleep.  I think that is pretty good for having a newborn.  We have a great system down and it will continue like that until Brixen sleeps through the night.  Hopefully, that will be SOON!  

Brixen's Pediatrician said we should wait to take Brixen out to Church, Restaurants, etc. until he is 2-months old.  For now, we are going to relax at home and wait for the warm weather to arrive.  Once it does, we can't wait to get out and take lots of walks.  We are enjoying EVERY SECOND with our Baby Boy.

Right now, Chris is taking a nap and Brixen is sitting in his newborn lounger, watching the fan!  We noticed that he loves fans!  Keeps him busy.  He barely cries, only when he is hungry and a little at night when he gets tired!  Oh, and, when his pacifier comes out!  LOL!  He is such a wonderful little boy.  WE LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!

I am getting ready to make Chicken and Roasted Pepper Sandwich with a Salad (Homemade Dressing).  Maybe I should post the recipe...  It is soooo good!  Off to finish dinner for my family!  Hope all of you have a great weekend!  Now, that things are getting back to normal, I plan to blog more so be sure to check back often! 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thus Far...

One month ago today, I was in labor at Evanston Hospital with Brixen!  We both agree that the first month went by so fast!  It has been a crazy first month...  This might be a long blog post but since it has been awhile since I last blogged, I am sure family and friends will appreciate the update.

Today, I ordered stickers to put on Brixen's onesies to take photos each month.  Thanks to Melissa Guzmann for the recommendation.  They should arrive soon and when they do, we will blog about ONE MONTH!  In the meantime, this blog will update everyone on the past month!

The first few nights when we brought Brixen home was rough...  I think he just needed to get use to his new environment.  Having my Mom here was a HUGE HELP!  She left the Wednesday after Brixen was born and it was just Chris and I.  We decided to camp-out in Brixen's room for the next 8-nights until we bought his monitor.  He actually sleeps pretty good in his crib and his nursery is right across from our bedroom.  

Brixen lost about 14% of his birth weight, which babies do lose weight after they are born.  However, usually, it is between 7% and 10%.  My breast milk just wasn't coming in.  I never felt engorged or full...  Still never have felt that way.  So...  We had a Lactation Consultant come to the house.  It was a huge help plus I am still taking FenuGreek.  It is a capsule that helps breast milk production, I guess!  After we had her at the house, things started to get a lot better.  Brixen was feeding on both sides at least 10-minutes and also taking an ounce of breast milk in a bottle.  At first, I never wanted to give him a bottle but unfortunately, because he lost 14% of his weight, we had no choice and I am now happy with that decision.  Thankfully, we bought a breast pump in advance!  

He gained about 11-ounces in about 7-days and we thought we were on the right track.  He was sleeping between 3 to 4-hours at night and feeding during the day between 2 to 3-hours.  However, on Wednesday, March 9, Brixen started to get a cold.  We went to the doctor twice but there wasn't really anything they could do for him because he was so young.  So, we continued to monitor it.  There were long, sleepless nights.  Chris' parents arrived that same night, which was a big help.  Brixen developed a cough during this cold and it was so hard for him to nurse.  We gave him a bottle most of the time but because he was sick, he just didn't want to eat.  

He lost some weight but still is at his birth weight.  A couple of nights ago, he kept vomiting and wasn't keeping his food down so we took him to the ER.  Again, there wasn't anything they could do for him but we were planning to see his Pediatrician the next day (yesterday) for his one-month well check-up.  This was on Thursday, March 17.  When we got there, Dr. Rosenbaum was concerned with his breathing and decided it was best that Brixen was admitted to the hospital.  I WAS A COMPLETE MESS!!!  But I knew it was for the best.  He was tested for RSV but it came back negative so he does have some sort-of virus but again there is nothing the doctors can do.  It is something that will just go away on its own.

At the hospital, Brixen did great!  His breathing got better and never had to get oxygen.  He started to feed a lot better about 24-hours ago and hasn't gotten sick.  He is nursing on both sides and also taking about an ounce in the bottle.  So...  Things are starting to look-up!  We were discharged from the hospital today on his one-month birthday!  

Brixen is doing great!  He is such a wonderful baby...  Barely cries, sleeps great, and finally, eating good again.  Chris bought us a scale so that we are able to weigh him everyday or every other day to make sure he is gaining weight.  Having that scale is peace of mind for me.  Less stressful when I know he is gaining weight.

This past 4-weeks have been busy but we are so thankful for all of your prayers and support.  We are also thankful to our Church for the wonderful meals we have received.  Delicious!  We can't wait to get back to Church and was hoping to take his Mom on Sunday but will probably wait another week now.  Just planning on relaxing and sleeping this weekend.

Chris' Mom leaves on Monday...  Can't believe she has been here almost 12-days already!  My Mom (GramJo) will be visiting in another 2-weeks.  We can't wait to see her and she is so excited to see her grandson.  Be sure to check back soon for a ONE MONTH UPDATE!  :)  Oh yea, below is a video of Brixen smiling this past week!  He is so adorable and we love him so much!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bringing Home Brixen

We have been home now for almost 10-days...  Can't believe that Brixen will be 2-weeks old on Friday!  Like our pregnancy, it is going by fast.  We are adjusting to our new life as parents.  The first few days were the hardest.  But after my Mom left last Wednesday, we have been on somewhat of a schedule.  Usually, I nurse Brixen every 3-hours or so but sometimes throughout the day he wants to nurse every 2-hours.  At first, breastfeeding was very hard for me...  But things got a lot better after the Lactation Consultant came to our house last Thursday.  It has all gone up hill since that time.  Now, Brixen can feed up to 20-minutes on each side.  But each feeding is about 10 to 20-minutes on each side.  I was giving him an ounce of breast milk in a bottle afterward but now he isn't taking it as much, which means we will probably be able to go all breast feeding soon!  I am still planning to pump and store breast milk that way we can give him bottles later.

Chris made another video...  Bringing Home Brixen!  I just love Chris' videos and so thankful that he loves putting them together.  It is something we will always be able to look back.  I plan to update our blog as often as possible.  It is easy to take some time to blog when Brixen is taking a nap.  Today, he has been up most of the day with small naps here and there.  Hoping that means he will sleep good tonight.  Chris and I are getting around 6 to 7-hours of sleep at night but not all at once.  I am happy with that thus far.  I feel great throughout the day and trying to take a nap once during the day just to stay energized.  Enjoy the video and look for more updates soon!