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Friday, February 11, 2011

Live Favor-Minded

Each morning after my breakfast and before I start work for the day, I have "God Time."  Last year, I read "The One Year Women of the Bible" by Dianne Neal Matthews.  In addition, I always read another book that has daily motivational quotes.  This year, I decided to read "The One Year Devotions for Moms" by Ellen Banks Elwell since I am going to be a Mommy in a few short days!  The Author of this book is from Wheaton, IL.  Also, for Christmas, Chris got me a book called, "Your Best Life Begins Each Morning" by Joel Osteen.  I believe you can purchase it at Target.  It is a book of devotions to start every day of the year.

I really enjoy my "God Time" in the mornings, it is like my "Me Time."  This morning, in my "Your Best Life Begins Each Morning," the title is called Live Favor-Minded.  These devotions really make you think sometimes and I thought I would share it with you all...  Enjoy!


So brace up your minds; be sober (circumspect, morally alert); set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace (divine favor) that is coming on you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed.  [Live] as children of obedience [to God]; do not conform yourselves to the evil desires [that governed you] in your former ignorance.  1 Peter 1:13-14 AMP

AS GOD'S CHILDREN, we can live with confidence and boldness, expecting good things.  If we love God, He's working life to our advantage, and it will all work out for our good, although it may not always be the way we hope.  No matter what does or doesn't happen in your life today, keep believing for the favor of God.
Don't take God's favor for granted.  Live favor-minded.  Get up each day and expect and declare it.  Say, "I have the favor of God."  Don't sit back passively.  You do your part, and God will do His part.

1 comment:

  1. Take five minutes each morning to start with a positive mind. As Joel Osteen says " Today is the only day you have" It is the present not the past what is important in our life.
