Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 14, 2011

Breastfeeding Basics

Last night, we took our final class...  Breastfeeding Basics.  We actually were suppose to take this class on Sunday, January 23, 2011 at the Evanston Hospital BUT the NFC Championship is that day and you never know if the Bears are going to be in it or not!  Praying!  So...  We decided to switch the class to last night at the Highland Park Hospital.  It was a bit farther to drive but we can't miss the NFC Championship!  :)

We both enjoyed this class and glad that I signed up for it.  It was very informational and I even took some notes.  The Instructor was nice, helpful, and provided a lot of insight on breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding is something I knew I always wanted to do but now that the time gets closer to us meeting our Son Brixen for the first time, I am looking forward to this bonding time.  

I have heard that it can be difficult at times but I am just going to remain patient.  It may take me awhile to get use to it but I plan to breastfeed as long as I can.  Chris and I both feel like it is the best for our son.  Plus, I feel working from home will make things a lot easier and we will be able to have more of a set schedule, eventually!  :)

Another thing I liked about the class was she mentioned what products are the best to purchase.  I haven't yet decided on a breast pump but always knew in the back of my head that Medela would probably be the one to purchase.  Of course, she said those are the best, fastest, and easiest.  So, I think I am planning to purchase a Medela.  I can always use it again when we have Baby #2!  

I have already bought some Lansinoh Nipple Cream and Lansinoh Breast Pads so I am planning to purchase the Medela Pump In-Style Advanced.  Also, going to pick-up some Freezer and Storage Bags, probably Lansinoh or Medela.  Our Instructor said to start pumping at 2-weeks.  And, to introduce a bottle between 4 to 6-weeks.  Everyone is different and I know that Chris and I will make the best decision for Brixen.  

Right now, I am planning to breastfeed as long as possible.  I will start pumping around 2-weeks or maybe sooner.  It will be nice to build-up some breast milk for future use.  I want Chris to get involved with the feeding so we will introduce a bottle (little-by-little) at about 4-weeks.  It will all work out how it is suppose to and I am excited and anxious about the journey ahead.  

Today, is Week #35 and Brixen Day!  Chris and I are going to go to Babies R Us and do some shopping.  We have some coupons that expire today and gift cards from Christmas to spend.  I have a list of stuff, of course.  We are very excited to spend this time together and get some more stuff for our Son Brixen.  Should be a fun, fun day.  I will blog later about Week #35 and our Brixen Day Adventure.  :)


  1. i have a medela pump in style pump too... i love it! you are making a great choice!

  2. I've tried both Lansinoh and Medela pads, and I like Medela better. They are thinner, and soak up a lot more.

    I will tell you... at first breastfeeding is EXTREMELY painful (I remember being in tears with my first), but after two to three weeks the pain goes away. Your nipples will get numb, and engorgement goes away.

    Medela is the best pump on the market. :) Totally worth the investment, even if you only have one baby.

    Good luck! Breastfeeding is the way to go :)

  3. Thanks, Kindra and Kim! I think I am going to get some Medela Pads too! Appreciate the feedback! :)

  4. enjoy your day! Thanks for the info - I'm taking my class next week!!
    Hope you guys have a great weekend and GO BEARS :)

  5. I agree with Kimberly - the Medela nursing pads are the best! They were the only ones I didn't leak through!

    Good luck! I love breastfeeding! I'm starting to wonder now when to stop....coming on a year now.....hmmmm

  6. It's funny because I started with the Medela pads which were great, but for some reason I actually like the Lansinoh ones better. I have a Medela pump too and it gets lots of use these days now that I'm back to work. I'm sure you will really like yours. I think you are really lucky that you work from home. Breastfeeding will be that much easier and I'm sure you'll be able to do it as long as you decide. I'm excited for you! Feel free to ask any questions along the way. The first week or so was really tough for me, but I knew it was something I wanted to do and thankfully my husband was so supportive. I would also recommend you look for a local La Leche League, basically a breastfeeding support group.
