On Friday, my Mom took the train into Chicago for a visit. We picked her up downtown and it was so nice to see her! She hasn't been to Chicago since Easter so we had a lot to show her. We got back to our house and the first thing we did was look at Brixen's Nursery. I made her close her eyes until she got into the Nursery. She loved it!
The first thing I wanted to do was show my Mom the hospital where Brixen will be born and how to get there from our house. We drove there and actually went into the hospital. I was able to show her the waiting room and also Labor/Delivery. So glad I was able to do that. Now she knows where to go (I hope)!
We had a nice lunch at Olive Garden. Afterward, we did some shopping at Babies R Us and Target. We had $25 Babies R Us Dollars to spend and it was expiring so I had to buy something... Brixen really doesn't need anything! So, I decided on some more clothes! :) Can't really go wrong with that, especially because they are so cute! I got a couple of 3-month outfits and a couple of 6-month outfits. Mom bought her Grandson a Lion toy too. When you roll the wheels, the Lion ROARS! It was too cute and a must to buy! Thanks, GramJo!
At Target, I picked out a Nursing Bra. I have three Nursing Tank Tops. So, I should be good in that department now. We did a lot of walking on Friday and surprisingly, I didn't get tired at all! Guess it was just one of those energy-filled days. But my feet definitely started to get sore after our time at Babies R Us and Target.
We headed home... Friday night, we took Mom to Lou Malnati's for some Chicago Deep Dish Pizza! She has never had it before and we are always talking about it. Chris got his usual, pepperoni and garlic. I eat that all the time so decided to go with the mushroom, olives, and garlic with my Mom. It was delicious. She had 2-pieces and really enjoyed herself.
We stayed up late on Friday night because my Sister and Brother-in-Law were driving here from the suburbs. They drove into Chicago earlier Friday to see Pablo Francisco at The Improv in Schaumburg. We haven't seen them in awhile because they both were sick at Christmas. So, it was so good to see them both and have us all together at our place in Chicago!
Aunt Ashlee and Uncle Kyle got Brixen a very, very cute zip-up vest from Old Navy. It is navy blue and so adorable. I can't wait for him to wear it. Kyle's parents, Tony and Lisa, bought Brixen a Lion Stuffed Animal. It is so cute! It is a round, plush Lion. I plan on posting photos of Brixen's Nursery soon so check back to see the Lion! But for now, here is a photo of my Mom and I in Brixen's Nursery. I look a bit tired but I guess that is normal for being 9-months pregnant!

Saturday, Chris made breakfast for all of us and we took Mom back downtown to the train. It was very hard to say good-bye because the next time we see her, we will be in the hospital having Brixen. It could be one-week, two-weeks, three-weeks, or four-weeks. Hopefully, not too much past 4-weeks. We had a wonderful Mother/Daughter Day and I was so glad we got to spend some quality time together. We even finished Brixen's Nursery... The final touches came in the mail on Saturday while my Mom and Sister were at our place.
Saturday, we spent most of the day just hanging out with Ashlee and Kyle. We went to Target and Best Buy. It is always fun to tinker around at those places. We bought a Toy Box for Brixen's Nursery, which we are using for his many blankets and toys. Chris and Kyle bought NFL and UFC cards. They both LOVE opening those and it was fun to watch!
We took them to one of our favorite places... Dengeo's on Saturday night. Both Chris and Kyle had ribs. Kyle loved them. Ashlee had some fried shrimp and I had my usual, gyro sandwich and a salad. Yummy! After that huge meal, we were all tired but decided to play some Yahtzee! Kyle WON! Chris got last place and I got 2nd to last place. Guess we aren't very good at that game. Chris is a genius when it comes to trivia games!
We all fell asleep early even though we had rented Wall Street. I still want to see that movie! I slept great... By now, I am use to getting up to go to the bathroom. I got up early to take a shower and dry my hair. Chris wanted Ashlee and Kyle to take some photos of us in Brixen's Nursery since we didn't get professional ones done. They turned out nice and I plan to blog about the photos soon.
It is hard to believe that the next time we see Ashlee and Kyle they will be here for Brixen's Birth! WOW! Chris and I both are so glad we were able to spend some time just us 4 again. We had a blast and can't wait for them to both meet their nephew, Brixen! Thanks for coming to visit, Ashlee and Kyle!
Well... The whole entire weekend was great until the BEARS LOST TO THE PACKERS IN THE NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME! What the heck happened? The Bears looked awful... It was very depressing to watch and sad to know that football season is officially over for us. I don't really care to watch the Super Bowl because I dislike the Packers. However, since Chris and I are obsessed with football, I am sure we will still watch it. I am now hoping that the Jets win against the Steelers. I remember saying in the beginning of the season, "What if the Bears go to the Super Bowl and we go into labor?" LOL! We were just one game away... But now I truly believe we will have Brixen on 02.22.2011. Here are some photos we took before the Bears Game.